Do you accept WCB and SGI injury clients?
Most of our therapists are registered with SGI and WCB and can treat injury claims on their behalf. It is important to let us know when you are booking your appointment that you have a claim in progress so that we can book you in accordingly.

What do I need to do to begin an SGI injury claim?
Once you have reported your accident and SGI has given you an injury claim number (this is different from an auto claim number) , you are free to book an appointment at your convenience with one of our approved therapists. We would need to know your injury claim number, as well as your birthday, prior to treatment to set up the direct billing through SGI. They cover 30 minutes per treatment, but often will allow clients to extend to an hour if the client pays for the additional time themselves. It is recommended to discuss this with your SGI Adjuster before booking an extended treatment.

What do I need to do to begin a WCB injury claim?
WCB has a process involving a written request for treatment before they will approve or pay for any massage treatments. To receive this, we need your WCB injury claim number, full name, address, health card number, company name and address, as well as the date and location of injury. They also require that clients are actively being treated by a Physiotherapist or Chiropractor, and will need a written referral from that specialist recommending massage therapy. Once we have all the information, we can fax it to WCB. It typically takes 1 to 2 weeks to receive a response, and then we can proceed with treatments with an approved therapist. WCB will cover 30 minutes per treatment, without the option to extend the treatment to an hour at the client’s cost.

Can I get a massage immediately after an injury or accident?
It is generally preferable to wait a day or two after an injury or accident before coming in for massage. The body often needs time to fully settle into an injury, so we could possibly do more damage if a treatment is given too quickly after.